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Blueberry Granita

Courtesy Chef Celinda Norton, 94 Stewart, Seattle

Serves 4

Note: This recipe requires a day of preparation beforehand)

2 C. fresh Blueberries (12 oz. frozen if fresh not available) Mash most of the berries. Reserve some whole berries for garnish.
1 Tbsp. Vanilla
1 Small Cinnamon stick
2 C. Fresh Oragne Juice
1 C. Fresh lime juice
2 C. white Cane Sugar
Half bottle Arch Terrace Cabernet Sauvignon

Day Before. Place fruit juices, cinnamon stick and sugar in sauce pan. Bring to a boil. Cook, stirring until the sugar is dissolved. Remove cinnamon. Add mashed berries. Cool. Add vanilla and wine. Place in freezer-proof container with room to stir. Put in the freezer uncovered. Stir every hour or so. Ready when fairly solid. You may also use a granita maker if you have one.
Day of Meal Serve using an ice cream scoop. Work quickly. It will thaw fast. Garnish with whole berries.

Pairs with Arch Terrace Syrah
(honestly. We know it sounds like a crazy pairing, but it work beautifully)
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